I try not to interfere with how Principal Henri-Levy runs her school but I did overrule her decision as to excusing D. from the annual “field day”, where students run races, play games, climb ropes, tug of war, etc. There is no reason why D. can’t participate. It is true that the gravel track would be hard on bare feet but D.’s are so tough by now that she will do well against the other girls in their sneakers. It was clear that Mme. Henri-Levy’s actual concern was having a naked girl competing among her uniformed classmates with all the parents watching but this is the kind of thing they will simply have to get used to.
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There is (was?) an artist named Frederick S. Fudala, somewhere in upstate New York, who (a long time ago) was on deviantart and created this drawing which I “embedded” into “‘Tami Smithers Was Here’” on the writingsofleviticus site. It’s called “Druuna’s Ascent”, a tribute to the graphic novel character created by Paolo Serpieri. As I recall Mr. Fudala’s original comment was: “I picture Druuna, having been stripped by a gang of thugs, escaping by scaling this cliff, only to find herself thrust into yet another peril which she will have to deal with while naked.” It fits in with Tami’s plight in general, and in particular her scaling the cliff to get away from teenage toughs at the end of Part 29 of “‘Tami Smithers Was Here’”. Fred, I’ve been trying to find you for years, please contact me!
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