Glad to see people who visit, normally so quiet, perking up and making suggestions as to further stories. You've given me much to think about. If there are further suggestions please get them in by August 5 at noon GMT so that I can start getting my mind organized and start writing. You can either comment here or email me at
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There is (was?) an artist named Frederick S. Fudala, somewhere in upstate New York, who (a long time ago) was on deviantart and created this drawing which I “embedded” into “‘Tami Smithers Was Here’” on the writingsofleviticus site. It’s called “Druuna’s Ascent”, a tribute to the graphic novel character created by Paolo Serpieri. As I recall Mr. Fudala’s original comment was: “I picture Druuna, having been stripped by a gang of thugs, escaping by scaling this cliff, only to find herself thrust into yet another peril which she will have to deal with while naked.” It fits in with Tami’s plight in general, and in particular her scaling the cliff to get away from teenage toughs at the end of Part 29 of “‘Tami Smithers Was Here’”. Fred, I’ve been trying to find you for years, please contact me!
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Sorry for the late comment. I'd like a Tami story, something where the last barriers go down, like being relocated to the floor in the dorm lobby so she is visible at all times.
Sorry for being late. If you still have some creative space, I'd love to know more about Sukie from Visit to a Small Town. Maybe more about how the narrator witnesses her withstand he cold and is casual with her bundled up friends