I then found out that during sixth period, when other students have free study time, the Maik-lings are assigned to sit in the open foyer next to the auditorium. There are no chairs or benches there; the girls sit their bare bottoms on the cold floor, then the humming starts and does not stop for the next forty minutes, ending with five minutes left in the period. Whether being brought to orgasm after orgasm for that whole time is pleasure or pain, I don’t know; their cries during that period could be construed as either. They hold hands and hug each other as they writhe on the floor, their sweat causing stains as they pick up dust and rub against each other. The Maik-lings have a special bond and it is especially evident at this time. Sometimes it amounts to a pile-up of naked, sweating, spasming bodies. The foyer is centrally placed and one hears the echoes of their cries from the furthest reaches of the hallways, even upstairs. Then the humming stops and during the last five minutes all one hears is the sound of heavy breathing as they return to normal consciousness. The smell of female musk is by then almost overbearing and one can detect it from down the hall. They go to the gym showers to rinse themselves off and are allowed to be five minutes late to their next class.
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There is (was?) an artist named Frederick S. Fudala, somewhere in upstate New York, who (a long time ago) was on deviantart and created this drawing which I “embedded” into “‘Tami Smithers Was Here’” on the writingsofleviticus site. It’s called “Druuna’s Ascent”, a tribute to the graphic novel character created by Paolo Serpieri. As I recall Mr. Fudala’s original comment was: “I picture Druuna, having been stripped by a gang of thugs, escaping by scaling this cliff, only to find herself thrust into yet another peril which she will have to deal with while naked.” It fits in with Tami’s plight in general, and in particular her scaling the cliff to get away from teenage toughs at the end of Part 29 of “‘Tami Smithers Was Here’”. Fred, I’ve been trying to find you for years, please contact me!
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